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Moixa Energy Holdings Project I

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Video Archive

Video Archive - Smart Power Webinar

To play a video - click on a speaker / company name below

1 Play this video by Rob SaundersRob Saunders
Head of Energy at Technology Strategy Board
2 Play this video by Rob WalshRob Walsh
3 Play this video by ADI Advanced Digital InstituteADI Advanced Digital Institute
Active virtual power plant with combined heat and power clusters (active CHP-VPP)

4 Play this video by Amantys LtdAmantys Ltd
Predicting failure in adaptive networks

5 Play this video by BioregionalBioregional
Optimising demand in high-density photovoltaic developments

6 Play this video by Centre for Sustainable EnergyCentre for Sustainable Energy
Understanding consumer motivations for participating in a smart-power system

7 Play this video by Clean Energy ProspectorClean Energy Prospector
Skyprospector: simulating ‘microgeneration aware’ dynamic demand technology

8 Play this video by Clicks and Links LtdClicks and Links Ltd
Urban virtual energy exchange (U-VEX)

9 Play this video by Digital and Future Technologies LtdDigital and Future Technologies Ltd
PRIMPS – portable remote intelligent monitored power system

10 Play this video by dseConsulting LtddseConsulting Ltd
Agent-based controllers for electric vehicles and micro-generators

11 Play this video by Exergy Devices LtdExergy Devices Ltd
Embedded generator analytics for distribution network operators

12 Play this video by FaultCurrent LtdFaultCurrent Ltd
Fault current limiter for smart-power grids

13 Play this video by Grid Scientific LtdGrid Scientific Ltd
Distribution management coherence engine

14 Play this video by High Voltage Partial Discharge LtdHigh Voltage Partial Discharge Ltd
An integrated smart grid monitoring and protection platform for electricity distribution medium-voltage networks

15 Play this video by ITM PowerITM Power
Hydrogen gas inject

17 Play this video by KiWi Power LtdKiWi Power Ltd
Open source micro metering and control for peer-to-peer micro grid

18 Play this video by KiWi Power Ltd Project IIKiWi Power Ltd Project II
Assessing the benefits of demand-side response participation in a capacity market

19 Play this video by Legendary GamesLegendary Games
Augmented reality game to modify consumer energy consumption and aggregate consumer behaviour data

20 Play this video by Moixa Energy Holdings Project IMoixa Energy Holdings Project I
Modelling & testing through novel retrofit controls, impact of smart appliances & user behaviour on grid balancing

21 Play this video by Moixa Technology Ltd Project IIMoixa Technology Ltd Project II
Grid-shift and peak reduction through distributed storage, smart DC and virtual power plant models

22 Play this video by Moixa Technology Ltd Project IIIMoixa Technology Ltd Project III
The importance of growing DC (direct current) load to grid balancing and demand-side participation applications

23 Play this video by Open EnergiOpen Energi
Developing Dynamic Demand™ smart grid in refrigeration using creative industries & a controls manufacturer

24 Play this video by Oswald Consultancy LtdOswald Consultancy Ltd
Residential householders trading demand reductions in an online ‘generation game

25 Play this video by PPA EnergyPPA Energy
Smart dynamic load profiles for distribution networks

26 Play this video by PassivSystemsPassivSystems
System optimisation and control for homes (SOCH)

27 Play this video by Sasie LtdSasie Ltd
SmartNet – distributed domestic monitoring, diagnostics and control

28 Play this video by Sentec LtdSentec Ltd
Slimsensor - current sensor

29 Play this video by SwanbartonSwanbarton
Local energy markets modelling and analysis (LEMMA): market and information systems’ structures

30 Play this video by Video Mind Games LtdVideo Mind Games Ltd
Explore how the ‘gamification’ of energy consumption could be used to drive consumers to use less energy

31 Play this video by thEnergy LtdthEnergy Ltd
Load shifting community scale renewable heating

36 Play this video by Christian InglisChristian Inglis
Head of Technology, Technology Strategy Board

Company Directory

Download the company directory

In 2012 we funded 32 feasibility studies in the area of Smart power distribution and demand through our Collaboration Nation programme. Download the company directory - including contact details for each company - here:

Download the Company Directory PDF

Download the agenda (PDF) | Download the Company Directory (PDF)

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